Radio Player and TP-Link router faults

When I first released the Radio Player it all worked fine for me and others, but one person reported having problems with it. When he ran it, it would have trouble connecting to streams and once connected it kept dropping out. I couldn’t reproduce the problem at the time.

Since then, I’ve had fibre (FTTC) installed here, which meant getting a new cable router, and I started getting the same problems. In addition, I also found that the new router, a TP-Link WR841N, was prone to crashing for no apparent reason. Although it could still be pinged, it stopped routing, the web interface was not available, and the system light stopped flashing (which implies an internal s/w error). After upgrading the firmware, to no avail, I returned it to the suppliers, but they couldn’t reproduce any of the problems, and sent it back to me. I assumed that it was just a faulty router, and bought a TP-Link WDR3600 to replace it (hoping, vainly, to get better wifi coverage).

This seemed to be working more reliably, and I tried using the Radio Player again. For a few days it worked fine, but then the new router started crashing, and I noticed that it happened when I tried connecting to a BBC asx stream. From then on, the router would crash every time I connected to one of these streams using Radio Player, Windows Media Player (which Radio Player uses in the background), or MediaMonkey. Oddly enough, it didn’t crash if I opened the stream using VLC.

Upgrading the firmware on the new router has fixed the problem. I’m completely baffled as to what could have been going on in the router to have caused this, but it’s nice to have the Radio Player working again.

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