Adding iCloud support to a Xamarin app

One of the facilities in my Mobile DMX app allows the user to back up all of their workspaces (light shows) into a zip file, which can later be restored. In the currently released Android version the backup can be written to a folder on the tablet, or saved on a PC by using the Windows Companion app. Continue reading “Adding iCloud support to a Xamarin app”

Dropbox support for Xamarin.Forms

The new Dropbox v2 API makes it quite straightforward to add support for Dropbox into an app running on a phone or tablet. When I decided to add Dropbox support to Mobile DMX it quickly became obvious, looking at the “SimpleTest” sample app, that the awkward part is logging in, but uploading and downloading small files would then be very easy. Continue reading “Dropbox support for Xamarin.Forms”

Xamarin.Forms Error CS0117

Now that I have completed the first release of Mobile DMX I thought would convert the project over from Xamarin Studio to Visual Studio. I wasn’t able to do this until recently because I have an “Indie Android” licence, which meant I had to use Xamarin Studio, but since MS have bought Xamarin I can now use Visual Studio (Xamarin Studio is deprecated), which is good.

Took a while, though. At first I was getting several hundred errors of the form

error CS0117: 'Resource.Attribute' does not contain a definition for 'mediaRouteSettingsDrawable'

Continue reading “Xamarin.Forms Error CS0117”